Saturday, August 4, 2012

Moving to Utah

We got back from Washington Sunday night. We had Monday and Tuesday to pack and clean. We were moving to Utah on Wednesday. Basically, it was total madness. But we pulled it off. The drama didn't begin until Tuesday night. I called Budget to see if we could get our truck that night, instead of Wednesday at 8am. They then told me, well you may not even get your truck at 8am. Trucks weren't going to be in until 3pm. Umm....what? And how come noone let me know of this until I contacted them? We called several people, and received calls from even more people. Basically what it came down to is Budget over booked trucks. There weren't enough trucks for the the amount of people that had reserved trucks. Pretty lame.

Wednesday morning, we had the breakfast of champions, then drove over to budget.


Nope. Not a single truck. We hung out a little bit while they made some calls. Then we received a call, trucks weren't going to be in until 3pm at the earliest. But we could drive to Jackson, Wyoming to get a truck. That's at least an hour & half each way of driving up the Teton Pass. thanks. The local Budget guy told us that actually, they were going to drive the trucks from Jackson to Rexburg. I called back the Inventory Specialist who just called me, and told him what the local guy told me. The specialist said, "I gotta be honest with you, there are 2 trucks coming to Rexburg, there are 4 people waiting for those 2 trucks. If you go to Jackson, you have a truck with your name on it."

*sigh* I called Jackson Budget to make sure that my name was indeed on a truck. She didn't know what I was talking about. She said she'd call me back. She finally did, and she had a truck reserved for us. SOOO...we drove to Jackson, through construction, up the Teton Pass. Awesome.
Luckily the drive is pretty, and we made jokes about the mean things we wanted to do to them. We got our truck, and turned right around, Nathan followed me in the truck back to the Burg.
our truck, complete with dead AND alive tomato plants.

We were basically completely packed up, so loading the truck went really fast. We had three guys come and help. So I didn't have to do much, for which I was grateful since I pulled my shoulder boating back at home. :) After we were in the truck, we did some last minute cleaning touchups and we were off.  It was a little sad leaving Rexburg, I had spent the last 5 years in this little town. (on and off of course) But I was more excited for this new part of our adventure.

almost forgot plankton in our empty apartment. just kidding!

We got into Orem around 9pm. We had Josh and Danna (Danna only carried in very light things that we tested out before we let her carry them. haha), Marshall and Ben help us move in. It was funny, I went to hug Danna, and bounced of the bump! She's gotten a lot bigger since the last time we've seen each other. So excited for her baby girl to get here!

Hello Utah!

We're unpacking, and rearranging. AND we found a couch while we still had the truck. So we went and picked that up and got it into our basement apartment. Here are a few pictures. I'll post more when our place is together!

view of backyard

view from kitchen. stairs are the entrance to our place. this is Puma, she loves fetch.

our couches. obviously...we need to do some rearranging.

tomato plants made it from washington!

garden area. next weeks project so we can get some good food still this year!


  1. Those couches look great! Are they the ones from the other night?

  2. I told my husband about your whole truck situation...that is SUPER frustrating. I hope they reimbursed you for the miles or gas or something. Also, your blog make over looks really cute!

  3. Yeah, we are working with their customer service. My advice, just pay more and do uhaul. :)



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